Why You Should Leave A Few Cinnamon Sticks In Your Garage

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To use cinnamon sticks to protect your garage, first identify the places where pests are likely to enter, hide, or gather. This may include corners, baseboards, or near windows and doors. Once you have located these spots, place cinnamon sticks in these locations to keep pests away. You should lay down enough to release a strong aroma, which will deter them from entering. You will likely end up going through quite a few cinnamon sticks to protect your garage, so it may be best to purchase them in bulk. You could do this on Amazon, where a 14-ounce bag costs about $15. 

Keep in mind that some pests are better repelled with other forms of cinnamon, such as oil or powder. Ants, for example, can be killed and repelled with cinnamon essential oil, according to a 2014 study published in the International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. If you want to use an oil, soak cotton balls in the strong scent and place them around your garage or put them directly on the pests, if possible. Cinnamon powder is more effective on some other pests. You can simply grind some of your cinnamon sticks into a powder to use when needed. To make a powder, place one handful of cinnamon sticks in a high-speed blender and blend for 30 seconds. Keep blending the ingredient in 30-second intervals until a powder is formed.

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