Jacket Potatoes – Great Use For Canned Tuna Or British Abomination?

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The jacket potato has been a staple of the British diet for quite some time. Some estimates suggest that by the mid-19th century London, street vendors were selling upwards of 10 tons of jacket potatoes daily. These crispy cousins of the American baked potato were typically served on Guy Fawkes night, a celebration held on November 5th that recognizes the failed assassination attempt on King James I in 1605. Guy Fawkes Day, or Bonfire Night as it’s also known, is often celebrated with fireworks and bonfires, and jacket potatoes were wrapped in foil and cooked in the burning embers before being enjoyed by celebrationgoers.


Today, jacket potatoes aren’t typically sold by street vendors, but they are still a popular menu item at chain restaurants in the U.K. However, you don’t need to travel across the pond to try one. Making a jacket potato is really no different than making its American counterpart. With a couple of simple adjustments, you will be experiencing an entirely different potato than you’re used to.

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