The Weedy Plant You Don’t Want In Your Yard If You’re Trying To Keep Wasps Away

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There is a chance that your property’s yard or garden contained figwort before you even moved in. In this case, you may need some help identifying the plant so that you can remove it and help get rid of wasps. Figwort is tall and leafy, much like other weeds you may find in your yard. However, this plant is distinguishable because of the tiny flowers that grow toward the top. They can be various hues of yellow, purple, or green.

After you have identified figwort around your home, you can decide whether you want to remove it to keep wasps out of your garden. Figwort grows from rhizomes which can be removed as a clump without much difficulty. However, you may want to think twice before getting rid of them completely if you have plants that would benefit from the indirect pollination offered by wasps. If your garden is a safe distance from your home, you can remove the figwort from areas where you spend time outside and transplant it closer to plants that can benefit from the wasps. If the garden is too close to your house or where you and your family gather outside, you may want to remove the figwort completely to reduce the risk of getting stung.

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