The Y-cut sandwich is genius, but what are the downsides?

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People have long argued over the correct way to divide a sandwich. Some have sworn loyalty to the horizontal cut; others contend that those who slice horizontally are off their rockers, and diagonal is the only way to go. There are solid reasonings on each side, but how does the Y-cut sandwich hack stand up to the champions?


Evidence that horizontal slicing is superior includes the assertion that the halves stay together better, leaving the tasty fillings intact as you enjoy your meal. The Y-cut hack leaves you with two pieces that may stand up to a structural integrity test, but the top triangle piece looks like the insides can’t wait to escape onto your favorite shirt. It might be worth stabbing each portion with a toothpick the first go-round with the Y-cut. 

Proponents of the diagonal slice argue that not only is a triangle more visually appealing than a rectangle but it also gives the sandwich that great length of edge along the hypotenuse. While the Y-cut actually gives you the most edge (adding to the perimeter with additional cuts), the diagonal cut seems ideal for crust haters, who have the cleanest access to the prime real estate of the sandwich. The Y-cut and the horizontal cut seem downright fussy if that’s a concern. But what if you’re divvying up a sandwich for a crowd? 


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