What separates cold brew and the nitro cold brew? Mainly caffeine

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Understanding the higher caffeine content of nitro cold brew requires an understanding of what the drink is and how it is made. Nitro cold brew is a cold brew infused with nitrogen gas. Its production process starts off the same way as cold brew — coffee grounds are steeped in cold water for an extensive period—at least twelve hours—and then filtered and kept cool. After infusing the liquid with nitrogen gas to create a foamy layer on top, your cold brew will officially become nitro cold brew. 


On the other hand, iced coffee goes through the normal drip coffee process — hot water percolates through coffee grounds and is then cooled and served (that is, if you use a conventional coffee maker, though there are multiple ways to make coffee without one). While this method efficiently dilutes the coffee grounds into the hot water, the shorter time that the water absorbs the contents of the grounds means a less concentrated cup than a nitro cold brew. The less concentrated the coffee, the lower the caffeine content.

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